United Mind
International Mail art / Fax exhibition

November 7-8 2001
Tampere House

Curator : Illka-Juhani Takalo Eskola

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One week before the exhibition, I send two brown enveloppes made in craft paper, each containing the postcard "Bons Baisers de Souillac".

The two days during the exhibition, I faxed 12 pictures at a rythmn of one for four hours ( ... in fact, the faxes arrived... when they could ! ), the message with each was one of the letters from United Minds, the last message recreating the whole. Each picture, worked in a different manner ( definition, colours... ), represented a part of a same body, mine, and could -thus- contribute to compose a coherent ensemble, which could take a shape only by the will of the receiver and the visitors of the exhibition.

Les faxs. Panneau  comprtant  les 12 images faxées par Lauranne au cours de l'exposition.
Board with the 12 pictures sended during the exhibition.
Panneau d'exposition, avec  2 cartes postales et deux enveloppes expédiées par Lauranne pour la circonstance.
The two postcards and the two enveloppes sended.
 " United Minds" enveloppe imprimée par scan performance, timbre Citrouille et timbre Marianne.
" United ", enveloppe imprimée par scan performance et timbre Toulouse Lautrec.
The enveloppes :
"Citrouille d'Halloween" stamp and "Marianne" stamp left,
"Toulouse Lautrec" stamp right...

Summary. Paintings Gallery.
Next : Peoples without name
